Privacy Policy

Welcome to our protection strategy. We regard your security and treat the insurance of individual data exceptionally in a serious way. We comprehend that your trust is our most significant resource

  • Property25 is possessed and worked by Cypon Machinery Limited
  • Enlisted address: Ashley’s Plaza, No 1 Orchid Road, Lekki Lagos, Nigeria

To give you our full scope of Property25 items and administrations we want to gather and handle specific data about you.

The reason for this strategy is to portray the way that we gather, store, use, and safeguard data that can be related with you or another particular normal or juristic individual and can be utilized to distinguish you or that (individual data).

This protection strategy should be perused related to our Terms and Conditions .

The motivation behind this approach is to portray the way that we handle your own data.


This arrangement concerns you on the off chance that you are:

  • a guest to our site, portable site, (“applications”) or
  • a client who has requested an item, or mentioned an assistance that we give, or
  • a home office utilizing our administrations, or
  • anybody reaching us by telephone, SMS, email, in letters and other correspondence, and face to face.

This strategy concerns you under particular conditions.

– Individual data

Individual data incorporates:

  • certain data that we gather naturally when you visit our site;
  • certain data gathered on enlistment (see underneath);
  • certain data gathered on accommodation; and
  • discretionary data that you give to us deliberately (see underneath);

be that as it may, bars:

  • data that has been made mysterious so it doesn’t recognize a particular individual;
  • for all time de-recognized data that doesn’t relate or can’t be followed back to you explicitly;
  • non-individual factual data gathered and ordered by us; and
  • data that you have given intentionally in an open, public climate or gathering including any blog, visit room, local area, classifieds, or conversation board (in light of the fact that the data has been revealed in a public discussion, it is presently not secret and doesn’t comprise individual data subject to assurance under this strategy).

Individual data incorporates data we gather

  • consequently when you visit our site,
  • on enlistment
  • on accommodation, and
  • from you willfully.

It rejects

  • mysterious,
  • de-recognized,
  • non-individual measurable, and
  • public data.
  • Common models

Normal instances of the kinds of individual data which we might gather and process include:

  • Recognizing data. For example, your first name and last name.
  • Contact data. For example, your telephone number and email address.

– Acknowledgment

  • Acceptance required

You recognize and acknowledge every one of the particulars of this approach while getting to the site to arrange an item or solicitation our administrations.

In the event that you disagree with anything in this approach, then, at that point, you may not get to the site and request an item or solicitation our administrations.

You may not organization our items or solicitation our administrations on the off chance that you don’t acknowledge this strategy.

  • Legal limit

You may not get to our site or request an item or solicitation our administrations on the off chance that you are more youthful than 18 years of age, or don’t have legitimate ability to close lawfully authoritative agreements.

  • Deemed acknowledgment

By tolerating this approach, you are considered to have perused, comprehended, acknowledged, and consented to be limited by the entirety of its terms.

  • Your commitments

You may just send us your very own data, or the data of one more information subject where you have their authorization to do as such.


We claim all authority to change the details of this strategy whenever. All changes to this approach will be posted on the site. Except if not expressed, the current rendition will override and supplant all past forms of this approach.

On the off chance that you disagree with the changes, then you should quit utilizing the site and our items or administrations. Assuming you keep on utilizing the site or our items or administrations following notice of a change to the terms, the changed terms will concern you and you will be considered to have acknowledged those refreshed terms.

– Assortment

  • Purposes for assortment

We might utilize or handle any item or administrations data, or discretionary data that you give to us to the inspirations demonstrated in this protection strategy. Handling incorporates gathering your own data, uncovering it, and joining it with other individual data. We for the most part gather and cycle your own data for different purposes, including

  • items or administrations purposes. For example, gathering requests or demands for and giving our items or administrations;
  • showcasing purposes. For example chasing after legal related promoting exercises;
  • business purposes. For example business insight and examination, item improvement, inside review, bookkeeping, business arranging, and joint endeavors, removals of business, or other proposed and real exchanges; and
  • legitimate purposes. For example taking care of cases, conforming to guidelines, or seeking after great administration.

We might utilize any of your own data that you give to us to the inspirations demonstrated in this protection strategy.

  • On enlistment

When you register on our site to make a record, you will as of now not be mysterious to us. You should give specific individual data when you register on our site.

This individual data will include:

  • your first name and family name;
  • your email address;
  • your phone number;
  • Password.

We will utilize this individual data to satisfy your record, offer extra types of assistance and data to you as we sensibly suspect proper, and for some other purposes set out in this strategy. This incorporates bulletins and email alarms. On the off chance that you wish to quit you can do as such by tapping on the withdraw connect at the lower part of the messages.

In the event that you are an advertiser, you should give the accompanying individual data:

  • your name
  • Your contact phone number
  • your contact email address
  • your actual location
  • your email addresses
  • secret word.

We will utilize this data to satisfy your promoting account, empower you to deal with your postings and empower potential customers to be shipped off you.

We gather specific data on enlistment, when you register on our site.

  • On item request or administration demand

At the point when you request an item or solicitation a help from us, you will be approached to furnish us with extra private data on a deliberate premise (item or administrations data).

  • Setting a posting

To put a posting you should give the accompanying individual data:

  • your area, city, suburb
  • your road address

We utilize this data to guarantee clients can observe your posting in our list items. We require your road address to show the area of your property on a guide on our posting page, on the off chance that you mentioned this assistance.

We utilize outsider installment suppliers to oversee online card and EFT installment exchanges to put postings or purchase extra administrations. Installment data is gathered over a solid internet based installment passage gave by paystack

All installment exchanges handled are scrambled. Your installment card data is involved exclusively to deal with installment for your posting. We hold no record of your installment card subtleties.

To safeguard the protection of our clients when they are speaking with likely purchasers/occupants through telephone, every client might demand a special call following number be distributed to them. The call following number empowers clients to keep their phone numbers hidden by furnishing them with a substitute phone number to use in their postings. All calls settled on to this remarkable decision it are recorded to follow number.

Our “Sell Your Property” posting bundles incorporate “Propose to Purchase Assistance” We might share your own contact subtleties with purchasers so they can reach you.

To put a rental posting the accompanying extra private data will be required:

  • A duplicate of your character record
  • Confirmation of actual location

We utilize this data to confirm that you are the proprietor of the property to be leased.

  • Property enquiry administration (Contact Estate Agent or Estate Agency)

We additionally offer an assistance permitting possible purchasers/occupants to contact the Estate Agent or Estate Agency about a specific posting. You should give specific individual data, for example,

  • your first name and family name;
  • your email address;
  • your phone number;

This will empower the bequest specialist or domain office to connect with you to furnish you with additional data connected with the property you asked about.

  • Communicating with us

Whenever you speak with us through our client support channel, you might be mentioned to give individual data to us, for example, your name, email address and contact subtleties. We will involve this to assist with settling your question or objection. All calls to our client support are recorded.

We gather specific data when you request an item or solicitation our administrations from us.

  • Messages and updates

We might send authoritative messages and emails to you about the site. We might wish to furnish you with data about new items or administrations in which we figure you might be intrigued. This actually intends that now and again, we may likewise send you fundamentally special messages. We might send you one message to ask you for your pick in to get limited time messages. We won’t send you limited time messages except if you have decided to pick into them.

We might utilize your data to send you managerial messages and emails to you in regards to the site and for the end goal of showcasing where legal.

  • From program

We consequently get and record Internet use data on our waiter logs from your program, for example, your Internet Protocol address (IP address), perusing exercises, click designs, variant of programming introduced, framework type, screen goals, shading abilities, modules, language settings, treat inclinations, web search tool watchwords, JavaScript enablement, the substance and pages that you access on the site, and the dates and times that you visit the site, ways taken, and time spent on locales and pages inside the site (utilization data). Kindly note that different sites visited prior to entering our site could put individual data inside your URL during a visit to it, and we have zero power over such sites.

We gather specific data from your internet browser, including your Internet utilization data when you visit our site.

  • Cookies

We might put little text records called ‘treats’ on your gadget when you visit our site. Treats and comparable advances are utilized to improve your experience on sites by recollecting your inclinations and so on. For more data if it’s not too much trouble, allude to our treat strategy

We gather specific data from treats that we might ship off your PC to attempt to give you a customized insight.

  • Optional subtleties

You may likewise give extra data to us on a willful premise (discretionary data). This incorporates content or items that you choose to transfer or download from our site, or when you enter rivalries, exploit advancements, answer overviews, request extra items or administrations, or in any case utilize the discretionary elements and usefulness of our site.

We gather specific discretionary data that you give when you transfer or download content from our site or when you enter contests, exploit advancements, answer overviews or enroll and buy in for specific extra items or administrations.

  • Recording calls

We might screen and record any calls that you make to us, except if you explicitly demand us not to.

We might utilize any of your own data that you give to us to the motivations demonstrated in this security strategy.


  • Sharing

We might impart your own data to:

  • different divisions or organizations inside the gathering of organizations to which we have a place to give joint substance and administrations like enrollment, for exchanges and client assistance, to help distinguish and forestall possibly unlawful demonstrations and infringement of our approaches, and to direct choices about our items, administrations, and interchanges (they will possibly utilize this data to send you promoting correspondences assuming that you have mentioned their items or administrations);
  • a subsidiary, wherein case we will try to require the associates to respect this security strategy;
  • our items or administrations suppliers under agreement who assist with giving specific items or administrations or help with parts of our business activities, including misrepresentation anticipation, bill assortment, installment administrations, credit checks, advertising, innovation benefits (our agreements direct that these item or administrations suppliers just utilize your data regarding the items or administrations they supply or administrations they perform for ourselves and not really for their own advantage);

We might impart your own data to outsiders for the reasons for satisfying our commitments to you among different purposes.

  • Regulators

We might unveil your own data as legally necessary or legislative review. This will incorporate public specialists, insurance agency, finance organizations, auto promoting organizations as well as different offices. Data partook in this manner won’t be utilized for advertising reason

  • Law implementation

For the reasons for the avoidance or identification of offenses, as well as the dread or indictment of wrongdoers, we might share any data got or gathered by us with the Police, other public or private area offices or delegate bodies as per the important regulation.

We might reveal individual data whenever required:

  • by a summon or court request;
  • to agree with any regulation;
  • to safeguard the security of any individual or the overall population; and to forestall infringement of our client relationship terms.

We might uncover individual data to outsiders whenever expected for legitimate reasons.

  • Marketing purposes

We might reveal total insights (data about the client populace in everyday terms) about the individual data to promoters or colleagues.


All the data we get about you is put away on secure waiters and we have carried out specialized and hierarchical measures that are appropriate and important to safeguard your own information. We constantly assess the security of our organization and ampleness of our inner data security program which is intended to

  • assist with getting your information against unplanned or unlawful misfortune, access or divulgence,
  • distinguish in all actuality predictable dangers to the security of our organization, and
  • limit security chances, including through risk evaluation and customary testing.

Kindly note, regardless of the actions we have executed to safeguard your information, the exchange of information through the Internet or other open organizations is rarely totally secure and there is a gamble that your own information might be gotten to by unapproved outsiders..

We will find all sensible ways to guarantee that your information is dealt with safely and as per this approach

Precise and forward-thinking

We will attempt to keep the individual data we gather as precise, complete and forward-thinking as is fundamental for the reasons characterized in this arrangement. Occasionally, we might demand you to refresh your own data on the site. You can survey or refresh any private data that we hang on you by getting to your record web based, messaging us, or calling us. Kindly note that to all the more likely safeguard you and shield your own data, we take more time to confirm your character prior to conceding you admittance to your record or making any adjustments to your own data.

If it’s not too much trouble, keep your own data exact and cutting-edge by getting to your record internet, messaging us, by calling us.

– Eliminating

You might decide to eliminate the individual data you have submitted to us, by tapping the profile menu under your client account on our site or reaching us.

  • We will demand verification of personality prior to eliminating your data.
  • You might decide to refresh or eliminate the individual data you have submitted to us.


We are not answerable for, give no guarantees, nor make any portrayals in regard of the security arrangements or practices of connected or any outsider sites.


Assuming you have any different kinds of feedback emerging from this protection strategy or the manner by which we handle individual data, kindly email

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